it's noisy, and the problem is even greater when pipe is introduces
import*as Option from"fp-ts/lib/Option";pipe(Option.some(1), => n *2),Option.chain(n => (n ===0?Option.none :Option.some(1/ n))),Option.filter(n => n >1),Option.fold( () =>"ko", () =>"ok" ));
let's try the short version for both this examples
import { pipe } from"fp-ts/lib/pipeable";import*as O from"fp-ts/lib/Option";import*as E from"fp-ts/lib/Either";declarefunctionf(e:E.Either<string,string>):O.Option<string>;pipe(O.some(1), => n *2),O.chain(n => (n ===0?O.none :O.some(1/ n))),O.filter(n => n >1),O.fold( () =>"ko", () =>"ok" ));
pipe is the only exception because we only need that function from the module.
Here are a list of short names for the import that are used in this book
import*as O from"fp-ts/lib/Option";import*as E from"fp-ts/lib/Either";import*as T from"fp-ts/lib/Task";import*as TE from"fp-ts/lib/TaskEither";import*as A from"fp-ts/lib/Array";import*as NEA from"fp-ts/lib/NonEmptyArray";import*as R from"fp-ts/lib/Reader";import*as W from"fp-ts/lib/Writer";import*as S from"fp-ts/lib/State";import*as IO from"fp-ts/lib/IO";
of course you can use what you find best, feel free to experiment.