I need to parse some JSON, since it's an operation that can fail we use Either<E,A>
import { pipe } from "fp-ts/lib/pipeable";
import * as E from "fp-ts/lib/Either";
import * as A from "fp-ts/lib/Apply";
const dataToBeParsed = JSON.stringify({ firstJson: true });
E.parseJSON(dataToBeParsed, E.toError),
e => console.log(e),
data => console.log(data)
// {"firstJson":true}
What if I have two JSON to parse?
Here we can use Chain and Map in a naive way
import { pipe } from "fp-ts/lib/pipeable";
import * as E from "fp-ts/lib/Either";
import * as A from "fp-ts/lib/Apply";
const dataToBeParsed = JSON.stringify({ firstJson: true });
const secondDataToBeParsed = JSON.stringify({
thisIsTheSecondJson: "Yes it is"
E.parseJSON(dataToBeParsed, E.toError),
E.chain(one =>
E.parseJSON(secondDataToBeParsed, E.toError),
E.map(two => [one, two])
e => console.log(e),
data => console.log(data)
// [{"firstJson":true},{"thisIsTheSecondJson":"Yes it is"}]
As you can see this does not scale very well so we can use SequenceT to have the Eitheras arguments and parse the two JSON
import { pipe } from "fp-ts/lib/pipeable";
import * as E from "fp-ts/lib/Either";
import * as A from "fp-ts/lib/Apply";
const dataToBeParsed = JSON.stringify({ firstJson: true });
const secondDataToBeParsed = JSON.stringify({
thisIsTheSecondJson: "Yes it is"
const sequenceE = A.sequenceT(E.either);
E.parseJSON(dataToBeParsed, E.toError),
E.parseJSON(secondDataToBeParsed, E.toError)
e => console.log(e),
data => console.log(data)
//[{"firstJson":true},{"thisIsTheSecondJson":"Yes it is"}]
You can find the code for this example here in the example.ts file